At Patio Growers, we want to provide you with comprehensive resources to ensure that your garden thrives. We’ve already created an automatic self-watering system that operates in nearly any space and gives you more flexibility than ever before to customize your plant configuration. Our Grow Kits allow you more freedom to set up your plants and forget about maintenance for the long term, ensuring you can enjoy their growth and health without any hassle. But now, we also want to provide you with our hard-earned knowledge for an even healthier, happier garden.

With our gardening blog, you can learn some tips and tricks from experts! Read our news, articles, and updates to develop your own Green Thumb today!

With so many different types of climates, unique plant species, and personalized configurations, it can be hard to find a plant blog that covers it all – but we’re definitely here to try! While you can find some general instructions and advice about using our Grow Kits and accessories in our FAQ, this is a gardening blog that covers plant topics in a little more depth. Here, we’ll address everything from the invention process behind our Grow Kits to the best types of plants to grow in each climate.

As you explore our blog, you’ll find articles on all topics that relate to plants, including an exploration of soil varieties, reviews of different fertilizers, guides on when to repot your plants, and the best plants for every room in your home! We’ll be updating this gardening blog on a monthly basis with new posts, so check back often for fresh articles and ideas!